Organizing and Leadership Building
- Organize a worker’s associations based on their immediate needs and concerns.
- Reach out to migrants, immigrants, low-wage workers, and victims of labor trafficking and aid them in getting legal advice and assistance.
- Identify and develop workers as leaders in helping to unionize work places.
- Conduct workshops for unorganized workers and victims of labor trafficking on workers’ rights and laws that protect and help workers, and address abuse, discrimination, harassment, wage theft and other issues.
- When possible and requested, provide educational services toward improving literacy, the writing resumes, completing applications, and understanding work-related documents.
- Work with church, labor and community organizations on positive campaigns to benefit working people at the City and/or County councils and State Legislature on issues such as living wage, affordable housing, and health care.
- Conduct Legal Clinics conducted by volunteer attorneys and educators.
Volunteer Program
- Recruit and develop volunteers to assist the work and mission of the Center
Referral Services
- Establish and operate Referral Services for low-income and affordable housing, assistance to homeless individuals, workers compensation, unemployment insurance benefits, and other beneficial programs.
- Establish a statewide hot-line for emergency or urgent advice and other needs of workers.